Thursday, 27 June 2013

Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering Book

Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering Book
The subject matter of the book is divided in eight chapters. Each chapter of the book is written in a simple and lucid language. The subject matter has been gradually and systematically developed. Each chapter of the book is supported by sufficient number of solved examples.

1. Basic Concepts of Electrical Engineering
2. Single Phase AC Circuits
3. Three Phase AC Circuits
4. DC Machines
5. AC Machines
6. Basic Electronics
7. Digital Electronics
8. Communication Systems
9. Instrumentation

Author’s: Dr. K.R. Niazi.

Theory and Practicals of Engineering Chemistry -1 Book

Theory and Practicals of Engineering Chemistry -1
Basic principles have been explained with the help of suitable examples and diagram. A proper balance between theoretical and applied aspects have been maintained. Questions given at the end of each chapter ensure an adequate revision of the subject and help to build the confidence of the students.

1. Fuels (General Aspects)
2. Fuels (Analyses)
3. Polymers
4. New Engineering Materials
5. Cement
6. Glass
7. Refractories
8. Lubricants

Author’s: Prof. Renu Joshi, Dr. Neelima Jain, Dr. Menka Bhasin, Dr. Gaytri Sharma.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Engineering Physics 1 Book

Engineering Physics 1 Book

The test book includes - clearly written material and a variety of questions designed with an inquiring approach and answers to them. Every topic has been started with necessary introduction and gradually developed. The theory part in each chapter has been explained in a lucid and unambiguous manner.

1. Interference
2. Polarisation
3. Diffraction
4. Elements of Material Science
5. Special Theory of Relativity
Practical Semester Ist
Fresnel’s Biprism, Newton’s Rings, Polarimeter, Diffraction Grating, Conversion of Glavanometer into Ammeter, Conversion of Glavanometer into Voltmeter, P-N Junction Diode, Thermo-Couple, Laser.
P. Papers

Author’s: Dr. S.K. Sharma, Dr. R.K. Jain, Dr. R.K. Mangal.

Engineering Mathematics-1 Book

Engineering Mathematics-1 Book
Despite the best efforts being put, some errors might have crept in to the book. Report of any such errors and all suggestions for improvement of the book are welcome and will be gratefully acknowledged.
1. Asymptotes
2. Curvature
3. Curve Tracing
4. Partial Differentiation
5. Maxima and Minima of Functions of two or More Variables
6. Surfaces and Volumes of Solids of Revolution
7. Double Integration and its Applications
8. Beta and Gamma Functions
9. Differential Equations
10. Differential Equation of Higher Order with Constant Coefficients
11. Second Order Differential Equation

Author: Prof. K.C. Sarangi, Prof. Rohit Mukherjee, Dr. Vivek Kr. Sharma, Prof. Amber Srivastava, Monika Malhotra.

Communicative English Book

Communicative English Book
If we want to improve our English language abilities, there arises a need to tackle grammar issues and therefore
Unit 1-provides a functional description of English grammar, in which grammar is viewed not as a set of rules but as a communicative resource. It explains how the language should be structured; it is divided into chapters on Tenses, Passive Voice, Indirect Speech, Conditional Sentences and Modal Verbs.

Unit 2- Composition focuses on the act of writing dialogues, précis writing, and the drafting of reports.

Units 3, 4 and 5- comprise the literary works of W.S.
Maugham, Leo Tolstoy, O. Henry, A.G. Gardiner, S.
Radhakrishnan, C.E.M. Joad, W. H. Auden, Sir Henry Wotton, James Kirkup and Rudyard Kipling. These unit have selective texts by the above authors as prescribed in the syllabus.
 A series of help if provided for the help of target readers at the end of each chapter, including summaries, a list of suggestive questions along with answers, exercises at the end of chapter, introduction to the author and word meanings have been included for their benefit.

Author’s: Dr. Ruchi Sawhney, Kulsum Bano, Mukti Upadhyay, Sunil Pathak.